Druid - Classes - Archives of Nethys: Pathfinder 2nd Edition Database (2024)

Druid Details | Druid Feats | Druid Focus Spells | Druidic Orders

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Source Player Core pg. 122
The power of nature is impossible to resist. It can bring ruin to the stoutest fortress in minutes, reducing even the mightiest works to rubble, burning them to ash, burying them beneath an avalanche of snow, or drowning them beneath the waves. It can provide endless bounty and breathtaking splendor to those who respect it— and an agonizing death to those who take it too lightly. You are one of those who hear nature’s call. You stand in awe of the majesty of its power and give yourself over to its service.

Key Attribute: WISDOM
At 1st level, your class gives you an attribute boost to Wisdom.

Hit Points: 8 plus your Constitution modifier
You increase your maximum number of HP by this number at 1st level and every level thereafter.

Key Terms

You'll see the following key term in many druid class features.

Spellshape: Actions with the spellshape trait tweak the properties of your spells. These actions usually come from spellshape feats. You must use a spellshape action directly before Casting the Spell you want to alter. If you use any action (including free actions and reactions) other than Cast a Spell directly after, you waste the benefits of the spellshape action. Any additional effects added by a spellshape action are part of the spell's effect, not of the spellshape action itself.

During Combat Encounters...

You call upon the forces of nature to defeat your enemies and protect your allies. You cast spells that draw upon primal magic to protect yourself and your friends, heal their wounds, or summon deadly animals to fight at your side. Depending on your bond to nature, you might call upon powerful elemental magic or change shape into a terrifying beast.

During Social Encounters...

You represent balance and a reasoned approach to problems, looking for solutions that not only are best for the natural world, but also allow the creatures within it to live in harmony and peace. You often propose compromises that allow both sides to gain what they truly need, even if they can’t have all that they desire.

While Exploring...

Your nature skills are invaluable. You track down enemies, navigate the wilderness, and use spells to detect magical auras around you. You might even ask wild animals to lend their extraordinary senses and scouting abilities to your group.

In Downtime...

You might craft magic items or potions. Alternatively, your tie to nature might lead you to tend a wilderness area, befriending beasts and healing the wounds caused by civilization. You might even teach sustainable farming and animal husbandry techniques that allow others to subsist off the land without harming the natural balance.

You Might...

  • Have a deep and meaningful respect for the power of nature.
  • Be in constant awe of the natural world, eager to share it with others but wary of their influence upon it.
  • Treat plants and animals as allies, working with them to reach your goals.

Others Probably...

  • View you as a representative of nature, and are sure you can control it.
  • Assume you’re a recluse who avoids society and cities and prefers to live in the wild.
  • Consider you a mystic, similar to a priest, but answering only to the forces of nature.

At 1st level, you gain the listed proficiency ranks in the following statistics. You are untrained in anything not listed unless you gain a better proficiency rank in some other way.


Trained in Perception

Saving Throws

Trained in Fortitude
Trained in Reflex
Expert in Will


Trained in Nature
Trained in one skill determined by your druidic order
Trained in a number of additional skills equal to 2 plus your Intelligence modifier


Trained in simple weapons
Trained in unarmed attacks


Trained in light armor
Trained in medium armor
Trained in unarmored defense

Class DC

Trained in druid class DC


Trained in spell attack modifier
Trained in spell DC

You gain these features as a Druid. Abilities gained at higher levels list the levels at which you gain them next to the features' names.

Your LevelClass Features
1Ancestry and background, attribute boosts, initial proficiencies, druid spellcasting, anathema, druidic order, Shield Block, voice of nature, Wildsong
2Druid feat, skill feat
32nd-rank spells, fortitude expertise, general feat, perception expertise, skill increase
4Druid feat, skill feat
53rd-rank spells, attribute boosts, ancestry feat, reflex expertise, skill increase
6Druid feat, skill feat
74th-rank spells, expert spellcaster, general feat, skill increase
8Druid feat, skill feat
95th-rank spells, ancestry feat, skill increase
10Attribute boosts, druid feat, skill feat
116th-rank spells, general feat, skill increase, weapon expertise, wild willpower
12Druid feat, skill feat
137th-rank spells, ancestry feat, medium armor expertise, skill increase, weapon specialization
14Druid feat, skill feat
158th-rank spells, attribute boosts, general feat, master spellcaster, skill increase
16Druid feat, skill feat
179th-rank spells, ancestry feat, skill increase
18Druid feat, skill feat
19General feat, legendary spellcaster, primal hierophant, skill increase
20Attribute boosts, druid feat, skill feat
Your LevelCantrips1st2nd3rd4th5th6th7th8th9th10th
* The primal hierophant class feature gives you a 10th-rank spell slot that works a bit differently from other spell slots.

Ancestry and Background

In addition to what you get from your class at 1st level, you have the benefits of your selected ancestry and background.

Attribute Boosts

In addition to what you get from your class at 1st level, you have four free boosts to different attribute modifiers.

At 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter, you get four free boosts to different attribute modifiers. If an attribute modifier is already +4 or higher, it takes two boosts to increase it; you get a partial boost, and must boost that attribute again at a later level to increase it by 1.

Initial Proficiencies

At 1st level, you gain a number of proficiencies that represent your basic training. These are noted at the start of this class.

Druid Spellcasting

The power of the wild world flows through you. You are a spellcaster and can cast spells of the primal tradition using the Cast a Spell activity (see Casting Spells). As a druid, your spellcasting incantations might be pleas to the environment around you or the invocation of ancient vows; your hands might sway like willows or curl into clawlike shapes as your gestures direct your magic.

At 1st level, you can prepare two 1st-rank spells and five cantrips each morning from the common spells on the primal spell list, or from other primal spells to which you gain access and learn via Learn a Spell. Prepared spells remain available to you until you cast them or until you prepare your spells again. The number of spells you can prepare each day is called your spell slots.

As you increase in level as a druid, the number of spells you can prepare each day increases, as does the highest rank of spell you can cast, as shown in the Druid Spells per Day table.

Some of your spells require you to attempt a spell attack to see how effective they are, or have your enemies roll against your spell DC (typically by attempting a saving throw). Since your key attribute is Wisdom, your spell attack modifier and spell DC use your Wisdom modifier.

Heightening Spells

When you get spell slots of 2nd rank and higher, you can fill those slots with stronger versions of lower-rank spells. This increases the spell's rank, heightening it to match the spell slot. Many spells have specific improvements when they are heightened to certain ranks.


Some of your spells are cantrips. A cantrip is a special type of spell that doesn't use spell slots. You can cast a cantrip at will, any number of times per day. A cantrip is always automatically heightened to half your level rounded up— this is usually equal to the highest rank of druid spell slot you have. For example, as a 1st-level druid, your cantrips are 1st-rank spells, and a 5th-level druid's are 3rd rank.


As stewards of the natural order, druids find affronts to nature anathema. If you repeatedly perform these acts, you lose your magical abilities from the druid class, including your druid spellcasting and the benefits of your order. These abilities can be regained only if you demonstrate your repentance with an atone ritual. The following acts are anathema to all druids.

Anathema despoil natural places, consume more natural resources than you require to live comfortably, teach the Wildsong to non-druids.

Your choice of druidic order adds further anathema, as detailed in the order's entry

Druidic Order

Upon becoming a druid, you align yourself with a druidic order, which grants you a class feat, an order spell (see below), and an additional trained skill tied to your order. While you'll always be a member of your initial order, it's not unheard of for a druid to request to study with other orders in search of greater understanding of the natural world, and PC druids are among the most likely to blend the powers of different orders.

Order spells are a type of focus spell. It costs 1 Focus Point to cast a focus spell, and you start with a focus pool of 1 Focus Point. You refill your focus pool during your daily preparations, and you can regain 1 Focus Point by spending 10 minutes using the Refocus activity to commune with local nature spirits or otherwise tend to the wilderness in a way befitting your order.

Focus spells are automatically heightened to half your level rounded up, much like cantrips. Focus spells don't require spell slots, and you can't cast them using spell slots. Certain feats give you more focus spells. The maximum Focus Points your focus pool can hold is equal to the number of focus spells you have, but can never be more than 3 points. The full rules for focus spells appear here.

Shield Block

You gain the Shield Block general feat , a reaction that lets you reduce damage with your shield.

Voice of Nature

You gain your choice of the Animal Empathy or Plant Empathy druid feat.


You know the Wildsong, a secret language known only within druid orders, in addition to any languages you know through your ancestry. The Wildsong is a melodic and tonal language sounding more like animal calls than a spoken tongue, and its alphabet involves fractals and spirals, like the arrangement of a seashell's chambers, a snowflake's crystals, or a fern's fronds. Teaching the Wildsong to non-druids is anathema.

Druid FeatsLevel 2

At 2nd level and every even-numbered level, you gain a druid class feat.

Skill FeatsLevel 2

At 2nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a skill feat. You must be trained or better in the corresponding skill to select a skill feat.

Perception ExpertiseLevel 3

You remain alert to threats around you. Your proficiency rank for Perception increases to expert.

General FeatsLevel 3

At 3rd level and every 4 levels thereafter, you gain a general feat.

Fortitude ExpertiseLevel 3

Adventures have made your physique more hardy. Your proficiency rank for Fortitude saves increases to expert.

Skill IncreasesLevel 3

At 3rd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a skill increase. You can use this increase either to increase your proficiency rank to trained in one skill you're untrained in, or to increase your proficiency rank in one skill in which you're already trained to expert.

At 7th level, you can use skill increases to increase your proficiency rank to master in a skill in which you're already an expert, and at 15th level, you can use them to increase your proficiency rank to legendary in a skill in which you're already a master.

Ancestry FeatsLevel 5

In addition to the ancestry feat you started with, you gain an ancestry feat at 5th level and every 4 levels thereafter. The list of ancestry feats available to you can be found in your ancestry's entry.

Reflex ExpertiseLevel 5

You've honed your ability to dodge dangers. Your proficiency rank for Reflex saves increases to expert.

Expert SpellcasterLevel 7

Your command of primal forces has deepened, empowering your spells. Your proficiency ranks for spell attack modifier and spell DC increase to expert.

Weapon ExpertiseLevel 11

You've improved your combat skill. Your proficiency rank for simple weapons and unarmed attacks increases to expert.

Wild WillpowerLevel 11

Your primal will, like that of the greatest beast, can't be tamed. Your proficiency rank for Will saves increases to master. When you roll a success at a Will save, you get a critical success instead.

Medium Armor ExpertiseLevel 13

You've learned to defend yourself better against attacks. Your proficiency ranks for light armor, medium armor, and unarmored defense increase to expert.

Weapon SpecializationLevel 13

You inflict great injuries with the weapons you know best. You deal 2 additional damage with weapons and unarmed attacks in which you are an expert. This damage increases to 3 if you're a master, and to 4 if you're legendary.

Master SpellcasterLevel 15

Primal magic answers your command. Your proficiency ranks for spell attack modifier and spell DC increase to master.

Legendary SpellcasterLevel 19

You have developed an unparalleled rapport with the magic of nature. Your proficiency ranks for spell attack modifier and spell DC increase to legendary.

Primal HierophantLevel 19

You command the most potent forces of primal magic and can cast a spell of truly incredible power. You gain a single 10th-rank spell slot and can prepare a spell in that slot using druid spellcasting. Unlike with other spell slots, you can't use 10-rank slots with abilities that give you more spell slots or that let you cast spells without expending spell slots. You don't gain more 10th-rank spells as you level up, but you can take the Hierophant's Power feat to gain a second slot.

Druid - Classes - Archives of Nethys: Pathfinder 2nd Edition Database (2024)


What is the best druid subclass in Pathfinder? ›

Best Subclass: Feyspeaker, because the connection to the Fey gives this Druid a better resilience to Enchantment spells and effects. Important Ability Scores: Wisdom, which governs how many spells this Druid can cast per level and how effective they are. Dexterity, which governs spell hit rating, is a close second.

How many spell slots are in druid Pathfinder 2e? ›

Wizards, Clerics, and Sorcerers all have four spell slots per level, after everything is accounted for. So why do Druids only have 3?

What are the core rulebook classes in pf2e? ›

Twelve character classes, including the alchemist, barbarian, bard, champion, cleric, druid, fighter, monk, ranger, rogue, sorcerer, and wizard!

How do druids work in Pathfinder 2e? ›

You cast spells that draw upon primal magic to protect yourself and your friends, heal their wounds, or summon deadly animals to fight at your side. Depending on your bond to nature, you might call upon powerful elemental magic or change shape into a terrifying beast.

Which druid subclass is strongest? ›

One of the strongest abilities of a shepherd druid comes in the form of calling the spirits of nature to influence the world around you. There are other benefits to selecting the Shepherd subclass, but these auras are so useful in virtually every situation that they tend to overshadow the rest of the subclass.

What is the most powerful druid? ›

Archdruid makes the D&D 5e druid class one of the most powerful in the game. It gives unlimited Wild Shapes and lets druids ignore their spells' verbal and somatic components.

How many spells should my druid know? ›

The spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots. For example, if you are a 3rd-level druid, you have four 1st-level and two 2nd-level spell slots. With a Wisdom of 16, your list of prepared spells can include six spells of 1st or 2nd level, in any combination.

How many times can a druid cast a spell? ›

Based on your spell slots for that level you can cast a maximum of 21 spells per day (which does not include cantrips, since they can be cast as often as you wish without using a spell slot). The spells you cast using your spell slots must be chosen from the list of your "spells known".

Can druids wear studded leather in PF2E? ›

Druids don't get good enough armor or weapon proficiencies to be effective in melee, so fighting in melee is very dangerous. Dex: You need at least 14 if you want to wear hide armor or 16 if you want to wear studded leather.

Is pf2e harder than 5E? ›

While D&D 5E is easier to pick up and play, Pathfinder 2E is much more front-loaded but easier to run longer campaigns with, since higher-level play tends to feel more balanced and feasible with better scaling options.

What is the most versatile class in Pathfinder 2e? ›

Druids Harness Nature's Power

One of the more exotic Pathfinder 2e classes, druids harness the power of nature to fight battles and defend their allies. They cast spells from the primal school of magic and are an extremely versatile class, perfect for players who like to keep their options open.

Is pf2e complicated? ›

The core resolution mechanics are simple enough, and each individual element is easy enough to grasp, but remembering how it all fits together can be a lot to manage.

Can a druid turn into a dragon Pathfinder? ›

Yes, but not with Wild Shape. To turn into a dragon a druid must use a level 9 spell to cast Shapechange (also available to wizards.) Fun fact- there is some debate as to whether you can then use the dragon's ability to shapechange once you are in that form…

How many cantrips does a druid get in Pathfinder 2e? ›

Druid Spells per Day
Your LevelSpell Rank Cantrips1st
17 more rows

What is the starting gold for a druid in Pathfinder? ›

Wealth And Money
ClassStarting WealthAverage
Druid2d6 × 10 gp70 gp
Fighter5d6 x 10 gp175 gp
Monk1d6 × 10 gp35 gp
Paladin5d6 × 10 gp175 gp
7 more rows

Which druid form is best? ›

While being a Cat will get you through tunnels and secret entrances on the ground, the Dire Raven is one of the best Druid Wild Shape forms because it lets you take to the skies.

What is the best race for a druid in Pathfinder? ›

Druid Class Features
  • Half-Orc: Excellent for Wild Shape builds. ...
  • Halfling: Your best bet for small, sneaky Druids. ...
  • Human: Fantastic for any build, and you might consider the alternate human traits which give you +2 to two ability scores if you want to use Wild Shape and don't need an extra feat.
Jun 5, 2021

What class is best with druid? ›

The cleric and druid are D&D 5e's Wisdom-based full spellcasters. They both prioritize increasing their Wisdom to make their spells as devastating as possible. In addition, their spell lists overlap but not completely. The D&D 5e cleric's low-level spells are ideal for a druid multiclass.

What is the best druid specialization? ›

Best Leveling Spec for Druid in the War Within

Guardian is the tank specialization for Druid, this is our suggested leveling spec, as the damage difference is not a large drop from the damage dealing specs and your tankiness allows you to pull enormous amounts of monsters and AoE them down comfortably.

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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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